Warsaw Unpacked attendees

Achramowicz, Weronika
Partner at Baker McKenzie
Warsaw, Poland
Aktaş, Yasemin
Partner at Abion
Istanbul, Turkey
Allan, Nick
Partner at Mishcon de Reya
London, UK
Ancenys, Laurie-Anne
Counsel at A&O Shearman
Paris, France
Andziulyte, Loreta
Partner at ECOVIS ProventusLaw
Vilnius, Lithuania
Arruda, Julia
Associate at Fenwick
Los Angeles, US
Ashby, Sara
Partner at Wiggin
London, UK
Atanasow, Anna
Head of Legal at Huuuge Games
Warsaw, Poland
Banbura, Kacper
Owner at Better Gaming Agency
Warsaw, Poland
Baryla, Kacper
Legal Counsel at GOG
Warsaw, Poland
Behar, Scott
Partner at Fenwick
New York, US
Behredt, Philipp
Partner at Taylor Wessing
Hamburg, Germany
Belitz, Oliver
Senior Associate at Bird & Bird
Frankfurt, Germany
Bernstein, Ronit
SVP & Deputy General Counsel at Playtika
Bethke, Damian
General Counsel at DB Advisory
Biderman, Ted
General Counsel at Atari SA
Boulder, US
Bilham, Dominic
Corporate Counsel at Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe
London, UK
Binns, Christopher
Senior Counsel at Epic Games
Brooklyn, US
Bisch, Maciej
Manager at EY Law Poland
Warsaw, Poland
Black, Ryan
Partner at DLA Piper
Vancouver, Canada
Boboli, Andrzej
Senior Manager at Olesiński & Wspólnicy
Warsaw, Poland
Bondy, Meeka
Senior Counsel at Perkins Coie
New York, US
Bouvy, Séverine
IP/IT Senior Associate at CMS Belgium
Brussels, Belgium
Bowman, Theresa
Partner at MSK
Washington, D.C., US
Boza, Pal
COO at Tremau
Budapest, Hungary
Bratský, Petr
Managing Associate at Kinstellar
Prague, Czech Republic
Breen, Nick
Partner at Reed Smith
London, UK
Brudkiewicz, Ryszard
Managing partner at Kancelaria BSSK
Warsaw, Poland
Can, Okan
Senior Partner & Attorney at Law at Law at DERIS IP Attorneys
Istanbul, Turkey
Cardoso, Ricardo
Partner at Antas da Cunha ECIJA
Oporto, Portugal
Chubb, Amy
Corporate Counsel at Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe
London, UK
Chuvaieva, Stacey
Associate at MSK
Los Angeles, US
Collins, Paul
VP & Counsel at Take-Two Interactive
London, UK
Coote, Jonathan
Associate at Clifford Chance LLP
London, UK
Craig, Laura
Associate (Technology and Data) at Taylor Wessing
London, UK
Czachor, Paweł
Legal counsel at People Can Fly
Warsaw, Poland
Czaprowski, Marcin
Counsel at Allen & Overy
Warsaw, Poland
Czapska, Martyna
Senior Associate at Baker McKenzie
Warsaw, Poland
Czerepak, Kamil
Corporate & Securities Legal Counsel at People Can Fly
Warsaw, Poland
Czulak Piotr
Senior Associate at DLA Piper
Warsaw, Poland
Dasani Aloupas, Malvika
IP Counsel at Wargaming
Nicosia, Cyprus
Davé, Rupam
Partner at Harbottle & Lewis
London, UK
Davies, Isabel
Senior Associate at Wiggin
Cheltenham, UK
Delany, Luc
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at k-ID
London, UK
Drgas, Filip
Senior Associate at Greenberg Traurig
Warsaw, Poland
Drummond, Melanie
Director Legal & Business Affairs at Square Enix
Guildford, UK
Dufaure, Andrea
Counsel at A&O Shearman
Paris, France
Andrea Dufaure
A&O Shearman
Dulska-Maksara, Kamila
Gamedev Lawyer & Bizdev at Doradztwo Prawne
Warsaw, Poland
Dunin-Wilczyńska, Karolina
General Counsel at People Can Fly
Warsaw, Poland
Ďurica Stanislav
Partner at Dentons
Bratislava, Slovakia
Düwel, Timm
Associate at TaylorWessing
Berlin, Germany
Dymek, Grzegorz
COO & Board Member at Anshar Studios SA
Katowice, Poland
Dynowski, Piotr
Partner at Bird & Bird LLP
Warsaw, Poland
Ehinger, Patrick
Counsel at CMS
Cologne, Germany
Ellis, Robyn
Director and Counsel (Privacy) at Take-Two Interactive
London, UK
Emidio Nascimento, Bárbara
Associate Lawyer at Dias Carneiro Advogados
São Paulo, Brazil
Ermolenko, Andrew
VP, Administration (Poland & Lithuania) at Moon Active
Vilnius, Lithuania
Ewald, Konni
Partner at Osborne Clarke
Cologne, Germany
Ewert (Dr.), Jan-Peter
European Legal Counsel at Valve
Hamburg, Germany
Feliński, Jerzy
Partner at Lempart Feliński Kancelaria Radców Prawnych
Krakow, Poland
Fijalkowski, Marcin
Partner at Baker McKenzie
Warsaw, Poland
Fryze, Wojciech
Partner, attorney-at-law, tax department at Olesiński & Wspólnicy
Wroclaw, Poland
Furger, Florian
Junior Associate at Planzer Law
Zug, Switzerland
Gardner, Paul
Partner at Wiggin
London, UK
Garvey, Dave
VP Corporate Legal Affairs at ESL FACEIT GROUP
Gawliczek, Tomasz
Partner at JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
Wroclaw, Poland
Gebel, Monika
Senior Legal Counsel at Tripledot Studios
Warsaw, Poland
Georgiades, Alexandros
Partner at Chrysostomides
Nicosia, Cyprus
Gil, Maciej
Associate at SK&S Legal
Warsaw, Poland
Goguś, Piotr
Vice president at Something Random
Łódź, Poland
Griebel, Luciana
Senior Associate at Covington
London, UK
Grouse, Eric
VP & Deputy General Counsel, EMEA at Sony Interactive Entertainment
Gruca, Michał
Legal Counsel at Fulqrum Games
Warsaw, Poland
Grucelski, Tomasz
Partner, Advocate, Patent Attorney at JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
Warsaw, Poland
Guidobaldi, Luca
Counsel at ADVANT Nctm
Rome, Italy
Gulam, Ian
Chief of Staff & General Counsel at Embracer Group
Stockholm, Sweden
Gutiérrez Díez, Celia
Business and Legal Affairs Manager at Scopely, Inc.
Barcelona, Spain
Hembt, Simon
Senior Associate at Bird & Bird
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Hernández-Pinzón García, Alvaro
Strategic Director of Collection / Legal Department at AIE
Madrid, Spain
Hill, Briana
Partner and Co-Chair of the Entertainment Group at Pryor Cashman
Los Angeles, US
Honkasalo, Noora
Senior Paralegal at Take-Two Interactive
London, UK
Hook, Shana
General Counsel at Moon Active
Tel Aviv, Israel
Hopson, Helen
Senior Corporate Counsel at Sony Interactive Entertainment
London, UK
Horn, Stefan
Salary Partner at TaylorWessing
Hamburg, Germany
Houisse, Florence
Partner at Kern & Weyl
Paris, France
Huijts, Stijn🌳
Partner at Geradin Partners
London, UK
Humphrey, Mark
Partner at MSK
Los Angeles, US
Janiszewski, Aleksander
General Counsel at Tripledot Studios
Warsaw, Poland
Jankowski, Kuba
Senior Legal Counsel at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Jarosz-Zgoda, Ewelina
VP of Legal & General Counsel at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Jędrusiak, Marcin
Junior Legal Counsel at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Jensen, Frances
Counsel at Frankfurt Kurnit
Los Angeles, US
Johnson, Matt
Corporate Counsel at Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe
London, UK
Jønsson, Robert
Lawyer, Partner at DAHL
Copenhagen, Denmark
Kalirai, Kireth
Senior Legal Counsel at Square Enix
London, UK
Kane, Sean F.
Co-Chair of Interactive Entertainment Group at Frankfurt Kurnit
New York, US
Kania, Agnieszka
Senior Legal Counsel at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Karamanolis, Yiannis
Managing Director at Karamanolis
Nicosia, Cyprus
Karpiesiuk, Łukasz
Partner, Tax Advisor at SSW Spaczyński, Szczepaniak, Wickel, Goździowska
Warsaw, Poland
Karulaityte, Inga
Partner at Ecovis ProventusLaw
Vilnius, Lithuania
Karłowicz, Krzysztof
Legal Counsel at GOG
Warsaw, Poland
Katz, Micha
Managing Director at Aream & Co.
London, UK
Kemesiute, Indre
Legal counsel at Tutotoons Ltd
Vilnius, Lithuania
Kempton, Nick
Senior Legal Counsel at Square Enix
London, UK
Keup, Marie
Counsel at TaylorWessing
Brussels, Belgium
Khomich, Marina
Senior Counsel at X-FLOW LTD
Limassol, Cyprus
Kinastowska, Klaudia
Legal Counsel at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Kloczko, Rafal
Deputy General Counsel at Epic Games
Kolmakov, Alexander
Partner at DLA Piper
London, UK
Kowal, Jakub
Senior Associate, Video Games & Entertainment at Rymarz Zdort Maruta
Warsaw, Poland
Kowalski-Gwardys, Błażej
In-House Lawyer at SUPERHOT
Łódź, Poland
Kruszewska, Anna
Partner at Hasik Rheims & Partners
Warsaw, Poland
Anna Kruszewska
Hasik Rheims & Partners
Kubalski, Jakub
Partner at SSW Pragmatic Solutions
Warsaw, Poland
Kurkowski, Maciej
Junior lawyer at HRP
Warsaw, Poland
Kłudczyński, Mateusz
Junior Associate at Rymarz Zdort Maruta
Warsaw, Poland
Lacaz Amaral, Rafael
Senior Partner at Kasznar Leonardos
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Laptev, Kirill
Partner at Anischenko Laptev
Minsk, Belarus
Laskowski, Karol
Partner, Head of Intellectual Property & Technology at Dentons
Warsaw, Poland
Latti, Nadia
Partner at CMS
London, UK
Lewin, Peter
Partner at Wiggin
London, UK
Lewoszewski, Marcin
Partner at KL&M Law
Warsaw, Poland
Lober, Andreas
Partner at ADVANT Beiten
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Lü, Jinni
Business Management at Fingersoft
Oulu, Finland
Lupsa, Ionut
Partner at Lupsa & Associates
Bucharest, Romania
Ma, Kurt
Partner at Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
London, UK
MacDiarmid, Ben
Legal counsel at Jagex
UK, Cambridge
MacDonald, Sarah
Partner at Wiggin
London, UK
Majewski, Maciej
Senior Associate at Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy sp.j.
Krakow, Poland
Mangat, Harpreet
Corporate Counsel at Sony Interactive Entertainment
London, UK
Manor, Ido
Partner at Herzog, Fox and Neeman
Tel Aviv, Israel
Markowski, Jacek
Founding Partner at Fal & Markowski
Gdanks, Poland
Maślak-Stępnikowska, Paulina
Managing Associate at WKB Lawyers
Warsaw, Poland
Mayer, Marc
Partner at MSK
Los Angeles, US
Mendusic Skugor, Ema
Partner at DTB Law Firm
Zagreb, Croatia
Menken, Malte
Associate at Oppenhoff
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Messenger, Patrick
Associate Attorney at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Palo Alto, US
Mikhnevich, Viktoryia
Director of Legal and Administration at Moon Active
Vilnius, Lithuania
Milik-Pękała, Kamila🌳
Head of Tax & Legal at SUPERHOT
Warsaw, Poland
Mirsaidi, Ali
Partner at Perkins Coie
New York, US
Muciak, Krzysztof
Privacy & Compliance Manager at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Muto, Daniel
Managing Privacy Counsel at Epic Games
Raleigh, US
Nemova, Katya
Deputy General Counsel at Wargaming
Vilnius, Lithuania
Katya Nemova
Nicolazzi, Laetitia
Senior Associate at Linklaters
Paris, France
Nomoto, Arata
Partner at City-Yuwa Partners
Tokyo, Japan
Novosad, Kateryna
Legal Counsel at Visartech
Krakow, Poland
O'Brien, Mary
Associate at Wilson Sonsini
Palo Alto, US
O'Connell, Patrick James
Managing Associate at Linklaters
London, UK
O'Neill, Jennifer
Business Affairs Consultant at Hoare Associates
Bristol, UK
Odkrans, Karin
Senior Associate at Morris Law
Gothenburg, Sweden
Okoń, Szymon
Law Firm Partner at SSW
Warsaw, Poland
Oleksyn, Marek
Partner at SK&S Legal
Warsaw, Poland
Olszewski, Maciej
Counsel at Wolf Theiss
Warsaw, Poland
Oppeln-Bronikowska, Iga
Advocate at Hasik Rheims & Partners
Warsaw, Poland
Parker, Steve
Director, Legal at Sony Interactive Entertainment
London, UK
Pękała, Michał
Partner, Head of Video Games & Entertainment at Rymarz Zdort Maruta
Warsaw, Poland
Pflock, Thomas
Founder at TMP Law
Brussels, Belgium
Piechaud, Faustine
Founder and Partner at Faustine Piechaud Avocat
Paris, France
Planzer, Simon
Partner at PLANZER LAW
Zug, Switzerland
Podolska, Joanna
Legal Counsel at Ten Square Games
Wroclaw, Poland
Pohl, Desideria-Alexia
Associate at TaylorWessing
Hamburg, Germany
Polek, Patryk
Junior Associate at DWF Poland
Warsaw, Poland
Portnoy, Zach
Associate at Fenwick
New York, US
Price, Kenji
Managing Counsel, Regulatory at Epic Games
San Diego, US
Protasenia, Ilya
Legal Counsel at Melsoft Games
Minsk, Belarus
Przelaskowska, Dorota
Senior Legal Counsel at People Can Fly
Warsaw, Poland
Przybysz, Marcin
Senior Associate at Dentons
Warsaw, Poland
Pulman, Simon
Partner and Co-Chair of the Entertainment Group at Pryor Cashman
New York, US
Quezada, Matt
Associate at Taylor Wessing
London, UK
Qureshi, Waqar
Legal Counsel at Square Enix
London, UK
Rabenda-Ozimek, Agnieszka
Legal advisor, Founder at Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Agnieszka Rabenda-Ozimek
Warsaw, Poland
Radošević, Goran
Partner at Karanović & Partners
Belgrade, Serbia
Radovanovic, Igor
Senior Associate at Karanovic & Partners
Belgrade, Serbia
Ramanouski, Raman
Senior Counsel at Wargaming
Prague, Czech Republic
Reilly, Kevin
Director, PlayStation Studios Legal EMEA at Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe
London, UK
Repa-Davies, Tim
General Counsel & Company Secretary at Sumo Group
Nottingham, UK
Rogala, Grzegorz
Tax Advisor, Senior Manager at EY
Warsaw, Poland
Rogowska, Sara
Legal Counsel at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Ropel, Wojtek
Partner at ADVANT Beiten
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Ross, Alexander
Partner at Wiggin
London, UK
Rud-Chlipalski, Barnaba
Associate at Rymarz Zdort Maruta
Warsaw, Poland
Rudoni, Alexandre
Partner at A&O Shearman
Paris, France
Rutkauskaite, Aurelija
Vilnius, Lithuania
Sakolchyk, Tamara
Business/Compliance/Advisory at Epic Games
Nicosia, Cyprus
Saßenbach, Christian
Associate at Oppenhoff
Cologne, Germany
Schelinski, Tobias
Partner at TaylorWessing
Hamburg, Germany
Schneider, Leonie
Senior Associate at Osborne Clarke
Cologne, Germany
Schulman, David
Shareholder at Greenberg Traurig
Atlanta, US
Schulz, Carsten
Partner at TaylorWessing
Hamburg, Germany
Schwiddessen, Sebastian
Counsel at Baker McKenzie
Berlin, Germany
Shved, Alena
General Counsel at Hitapps Inc.
Poznan, Poland
Slater Thomas, Dorian
Counsel at Frankfurt Kurnit
New York, US
Smith, Tom
Partner at Geradin Partners
London, UK
Sobkow, Beata
Senior Counsel at Epic Games
London, UK
Steiner, Erik
Senior Associate at TaylorWessing
Vienna, Austria
Steinman, Ifat
General Counsel at Papaya Gaming
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Stormonth Darling, Ivo
Corporate Counsel at Sony Interactive Entertainment
London, UK
Strzeżek, Olga
Legal Counsel at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Sunner, Nav
CEO & Founder at Navatron
Rugby, UK
Susałko, Monika
Senior Associate - IP/IT/New technology specialisation at Lubasz i Wspolnicy
Warsaw, Poland
Sztoldman, Agnieszka
Counsel at Osborne Clarke
Warsaw, Poland
Thornton, Jamie
Senior Legal Counsel at Square Enix
London, UK
Tserakhau, Kamal
Head of Arbitration & IT Disputes at REVERA International Law Group
Warsaw, Poland
Tulvik, Elvira
Attorney-at-Law, Partner at MAGNUSSON
Tallinn, Estonia
Turner, Mike
Partner at Latham & Watkins
London, UK
Ullman, Måns
Associate at Westerberg & Partners
Stockholm, Sweden
Unosson, Finn
Legal Counsel at Resolution Games AB
Stockholm, Sweden
Varantsou, Michael
Lawyer at Altoros
Warsaw, Poland
Vartanova, Nika
Legal Counsel at Playrix
Dublin, Ireland
Vilčiauskas, Artūras
Counsel at Wargaming
Prague, CZ
Vildhede, Martin
Partner, Head of Employment at Morris Law
Sweeden, Gothenburg
Volkohon, Oleksandra
Sr. Business Development Manager at remote control productions
Berlin, Germany
Walasek, Przemysław
Partner at TaylorWessing
Warsaw, Poland
Walker, Alex
Senior Associate at Clifford Chance
London, UK
Wanat, Emanuel
Managing Associate at WKB Lawyers
Warsaw, Poland
Waterhouse, Ridley
Business Affairs Consultant at Hoare Associates
London, UK
Weissbach, Adam
Head of Commercial, Consumer and IP Legal at Embracer Group
Stockholm, Sweden
Wichrowska, Farida
COO (Legal Director) at Devheart Games
Warsaw, Poland
Wietrzynska-Ciolkowska, Anna
Local Partner at DWF Poland Jamka
Warsaw, Poland
Wildman, Phil
Founder at GG Insurance Services
London, UK
Wiśniewski, Rajmund
Tax Specialist at GOG
Warsaw, Poland
Wójcik, Radzym
Advocate at Baker McKenzie
Warsaw, Poland
Wolny, Alicja
Senior Associate at DLA PIPER
Warsaw, Poland
Workman, Pippa
Senior Counsel at Epic Games
London, UK
Yaromenka, Palina
Intellectual Property Counsel at Wargaming
Vilnius, Lithuania
Yu, Chao
Partner at Pillar Legal
Shanghai, China
Zajączkowska, Laura
in-house lawyer at SUPERHOT / SOMETHING RANDOM
Łódź, Poland
Zanin, Roman
General Counsel, Tax & Compliance at Wargaming
Nicosia, Cyprus
Zboch, Dariusz
Senior Legal Counsel at CD PROJEKT RED
Warsaw, Poland
Żebrowska, Aleksandra
Associate at Bird & Bird LLP
Warsaw, Poland
Zhu, Xuyang
Partner at Taylor Wessing
London, UK
Xuyang Zhu
Taylor Wessing
Zikratski, Siarhej
Head of Legal at SayGames