On Tour III: April 1-3, 2025
For the third edition of the conference, we invite you to the Eternal City. We will explore the fundamental areas of the international games industry, with a cross-country approach to the discussion of the recent developments in consumer protection, privacy, litigation, and intellectual property. The event is limited to 250 seats.
Registration: OPEN
Regular Pass: €800 Professional Pass: €1.000 (incl. Industry Dinner)
Summit X: Sep 2-4, 2025
Games Industry Law Summit is the invitation-only conference for games industry’s top legal professionals, curated by a collaborative community from 57 different countries.
In 2025, the conference runs on Sep 2-4, from Tuesday through Thursday. We will deliver two days packed with professional content, and three days of social programs with plenty of opportunities for catching up with your peers. The registration fee includes all the food and drinks at the event (three dinners, two lunches and two breakfasts), and the conference materials.
The agenda is finalized a the few weeks prior to the event and focuses on the legal issues that are at the peak of relevance to the international games industry, with deep dives and cross-country discussions. The Summit’s content requires a deep prior knowledge of both the law and the games industry’s business and production models.