Legal Challenge 2019 finalist teams

1st place

Skelligent Arguments

Best Oralist

Best Oralist

Best Memo for Respondent



Best Memo for Claimant

Polish Gamers

Download RulesDownload Case with ClarificationsDownload Guidelines for Submissions


8 January 2019

  • The Case is published on the website. 

21 January 2019 (24:00 UTC+02:00)

  • Deadline for the Teams to submit clarification questions.

28 January 2019

  • The answers to clarification questions are published on the website.

15 February 2019 (24:00 UTC+02:00)

  • Deadline for the Teams to be registered.

20 February 2019 (24:00 UTC+02:00)

  • Deadline for Memoranda for Claimant to be submitted.

15 March 2019 (24:00 UTC+02:00)

  • Deadline for Memoranda for Respondent to be submitted.

5 April 2019

  • Finalist Teams (4) are announced on the website.

1 May 2019

  • Semifinals and Finals at the Kempinski Cathedral Square (Vilnius, Lithuania).

2 May 2019

  • The results of Legal Challenge 2019 are published on the website. Award ceremony at the Kempinski Cathedral Square.


Gardner, Paul
Partner at Wiggin
London, UK
Zhao, Emi
Director at Riot Games
Karamanolis, Yiannis
Managing Director at Karamanolis
Nicosia, Cyprus
Nemova, Katya
Deputy General Counsel at Wargaming
Vilnius, Lithuania
Pareja Lerner, Vanessa
Partner at Dias Carneiro Advogados
São Paulo, Brazil
Zanin, Roman
General Counsel, Tax & Compliance at Wargaming
Nicosia, Cyprus
Lober, Andreas
Partner at ADVANT Beiten
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Lupsa, Ionut
Partner at Lupsa & Associates
Bucharest, Romania
Dufaure, Andrea
IP Litigation/Senior Associate at A&O Shearman
Paris, France
Stanley, Jennifer
Partner at Fenwick
San Francisco, US


Students currently actively enrolled in their Bachelor or Master programs, as well as graduates from such programs may take part in Legal Challenge 2019, provided they have graduated not more than 3 years before applying for participation. Teams consisting of 1 to 3 persons are invited to take part in the challenge.

Legal Challenge gives students and young graduates a unique chance to apply their knowledge in games law as well as to meet in person legal and business professionals from high profile game companies. 4 teams that will hit the finals will be invited to participate free of charge in Games Industry Law Summit 2019 which will take place on May 2-3, 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

We welcome both students and graduates; therefore, the team does not necessarily have to be related to any university. Furthermore, the team can be composed of students and graduates from different faculties or universities.

We appreciate individual contribution of each participant, that is why we encourage you to form and administer teams on your own. At the same time, if you would like to have someone mentoring you through the challenge, such a person will be invited to Games Industry Law Summit 2019 and will be included into the team headcount, but will not be permitted to plead.

The team wishing to take part in Legal Challenge 2019 shall fill in registration form (available here) and shall pay *a non-refundable* registration fee in the amount of EUR 50 (payment instructions will be emailed after registration). Last chance to register in the challenge is February 15, 2019.

In the first part of the challenge, the teams are expected to submit a memorandum for claimant and a memorandum for respondent; in the second part, 4 teams that receive the highest score for the first part will take part in oral pleadings.

Legal Challenge 2019 case is dedicated to various problems around appropriate remuneration for authors, thus, warming up discussion about applicability of bestseller clauses all over the world.



Gardner, Paul
Partner at Wiggin
London, UK
Zhao, Emi
Director at Riot Games
Karamanolis, Yiannis
Managing Director at Karamanolis
Nicosia, Cyprus
Nemova, Katya
Deputy General Counsel at Wargaming
Vilnius, Lithuania
Pareja Lerner, Vanessa
Partner at Dias Carneiro Advogados
São Paulo, Brazil
Zanin, Roman
General Counsel, Tax & Compliance at Wargaming
Nicosia, Cyprus
Lober, Andreas
Partner at ADVANT Beiten
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Lupsa, Ionut
Partner at Lupsa & Associates
Bucharest, Romania
Pagnanelli, Karin
Partner at MSK
Los Angeles, US
Dufaure, Andrea
IP Litigation/Senior Associate at A&O Shearman
Paris, France
Stanley, Jennifer
Partner at Fenwick
San Francisco, US

Legal Challenge semifinalist teams:

Teams that are no longer in the competition (as of 03/04/2019):