C | Accounting & Tax Damianou, ArisManaging Partner at C | Accounting & Tax Chrysostomides Georgiades, EvelinaDirector at Chrysostomides COGNOSPHERE Ruan, HaibaoGlobal T&S Ops Lead at COGNOSPHERE DB Advisory Bethke, DamianGeneral Counsel at DB Advisory game - The German Games Industry Association Brock, SamanthaLegal Counsel at game - The German Games Industry Association Hentsch, HennerLegal Counsel at game - The German Games Industry Association GG Insurance Services Wildman, PhilFounder at GG Insurance Services k-ID Delany, LucChief Corporate Affairs Officer at k-ID Lockton Parle, LewisHead of IP Risk & Interactive Entertainment Lead at Lockton MGL O’Connor, ErinDirector of Brand Protection at MGL Modulate Pappas, MikeCEO at Modulate Navatron Sunner, NavCEO & Founder at Navatron Porto Editora Costa, RuiCommercial Director at Porto Editora X-FLOW Samuseu, YauhenManaging Director at X-FLOW